Update: 1up Community Manager Tina Sanchez has hinted (also through twitter) that Call of Duty 4 favorite Crash will be part of the first map pack. No confirmation from Infinity Ward just yet, but we'll keep you posted.
Update 3/13: An early Xbox Live Marketplace listing has revealed that the upcoming map pack will be titled "Stimulus Package" and, in a record for the Call of Duty series, will contain FIVE (5) maps. Three of these maps--Bailout, Storm, and Salvage--are brand new, while the other two are remakes/returns of Call of Duty 4's Crash and Overgrown. Judging by what has pretty much become the standard, expect "Stimulus Package" to cost 800 MSP ($10), although that is as of yet unconfirmed.
Update 3/14: Xbox360Achievements.org has reported that the Stimulus Package map pack will actually cost 1200MSP ($15). So much for getting a good value by getting 5 maps! Classic Activision milking its customers.
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