In case you havn't noticed, Microsoft has permanently instituted a program that proved to be pretty successful during the 2008 Holiday Season: the Xbox Live Deal of the Week. Every week there is a new special discount for a selected item on Xbox LIVE, featuring everything from Arcade games, Downloadable Content, and Xbox Originals. This week's deal, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, is pretty noteworthy as it was considered one of the better games on Xbox LIVE Arcade. The original 800 MSP ($10) price was already a pretty good deal, but this week's promotion knocks that price down to 400 MSP ($5). At that price, the game is simply a steal. The game itself is a full remake of the original Bionic Commando for the NES, but it is a tad on the difficult side so at the very least try out the demo if even the miniscule $5 price point isn't incentive enough.
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